Chief Curator: Feliks Pyron
The Museum of Queer Curiosities explores themes of confusion, authority, and trust- especially how it relates to queer identities. In our lives we are trained to want predictability and stability as defined by the status quo, and most institutions are designed to reinforce this idea. For many trans, non-binary, or otherwise queer people, living queer means being placed against these 'traditions' of stability. When we challenge this by just existing, we are unfortunately met with misunderstanding, fear, and often violence. The Museum of Queer Curiosities hopes to assuage some of this.
Rather than being an institution of established power, this institution and its purpose are reclaimed by Queer identities. Hopefully then, The Museum can change up the content of an expected niche museum and bring the viewer into a space where they understand they are to be educated. Like a real museum, the simulation that is TMOQC acts in its genesis as evidence, celebration, and education of queerness- of states outside of what others tell us is stable and correct.
Seldom explicitly, but rather by replicating and manipulating trusted visual cues, the Museum challenges the consideration of these issues, and encourages sympathy and a willingness to learn. It is a space in which we can find a way to navigate past our initial fears of 'difference', and embrace our ephemeral and physical communities and identities, even in the face of unknowingness.
Tara Segars - Tutti Frutti